What if Cycling was a Catalyst for Building Community.
Inspired by an idea from Denver, Colorado and momentum of the 2015 UCI World Road World Championships, six avid Richmond cyclists came together to create a local twist for their city. How could cycling be utilized to tie together the rich history of Richmond’s past, the new businesses and cultures emerging within each neighborhood, and the need for a safer commuting infrastructure? The consensus, Breakaway RVA!
Divided into four sections, the city would come together ready to ride at a communal neighborhood location. From there, the cyclists would be led safely to a secret midpoint by their neighborhood route leader. Once everyone has successfully arrived, the learning would begin! The speaker would educate everyone on the new innovative business emerging or provide us with a thorough history lesson of the secret location. Afterwards, we would all ride together as a big cycling group to the end destination where we could eat, drink, and be merry together safely! Imagine the bold statement of having 100+ cyclists riding together in the city safely!
Breakaway RVA has been successfully running for 3 + years and is still growing strong! My contribution to the team after the wonderful creators formed the solid building blocks? East End Route Leader and Social Media and Sponsorship Coordinator.